https://youtu.be/Sqkn1HeQjiw -
WRITE IT DOWN & The Universe Will Bring It To You
https://youtu.be/lUtNzyo67hI Joe Dispenza is a neuroscientist who believes in the power of writing down your desires and goals to manifest them in your life.... -
人間の成長というのは非常にゆっくりとしている。 長年、スピリチュアルの世界の勉強をしてきた。数々の、リトリートなどに参加し、また、多くの書籍をよんできた。最近... -
Jim Carrey’s Eye Opening Speech
https://youtu.be/Fo_lDTDSO-M -
It really works
https://youtu.be/4qykb6jKXdo What does it take to change your personality? In this episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Dr. Joe Dispenza says people have m... -
Your Affirmations – Louise Hay
all our self-talk is a stream of affirmations you are using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not you are afirming and creating your life expe... -
Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself we literally have to become someone else. In other words thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the lan... -
Manifesting Abundance
Jump to original YouTube -
Jump to original YouTube よく「目覚める」awakening という言葉がいろいろなスピリチュアルな本には書かれてあります。ここでもエックハルトは、一般に思われている「... -
Bucket List
It is time to make a bucket list before I kick the bucket. Bucket Category 01 Family reunion in Hawaii Vacation in Mouldives Playing golf in Hawaii Traveling...